

Skicka gärna en liten hälsning.

Send me a note!


hej, christian, i tried to read your blog but i
could not understand anything, since i dont know
any swedish. so plz translate it to portuguese.
tack tack. beijos, gessi

Hmm.. Line braks kanske vore bra att ha, fast på
rätt ställe. Det vore kanske oxo rätt så kul om
man kunde (se( vad man skriver i


Kanton är otrevligt, TAipei är mycket trevligare!

Ett meddelande lämnat... Kul att se att du mår
bra och att levern får sitt.

Trevligt att du dricker.

Väldigt Orchlikt må jag säga.

jag skulle gratta dig på födelsedagen

Hej å grattis i efterskott. Fina reklambilder :)
I morron flyger jag till Thailand, tyvärr inget
stopp hos er denna gång..

Orchlikt var ordet! *s!*

Grattis i efterskott!


Tack for pepparkakorna och gloggen

Thanks for the support during the engagement and for the photos!
Hope we can help you in the same way soon....no pressure....

site redesign looks nice, and makes me hungry... kind of like spinach soup with some red pepper flakes on top. yum.

Hey Christian,

this is the proof: I finally visited your site and I liked it a lot. Actually no need to cover it all up in military green....

See you for Brunch. Will you bring SARS-drink along?

Good work! I'm working on my own website too, hope to get it done by this month. Baby Randy will be available soon! Latte go go go!


Hi Bro! Long time no talk. For the benefit of your pals, this is in English... ;) Here's a little something to do when bored. Beware, it is addictive as ****, but loadsa fun!


And, the [WEBSITE I CANT MENTION HERE] site is Paul Rantins. I help him out with it. Mentoring him in Linux. Bugger got 2 Mbit DSL for £35. Here in .ie you CAN'T get a 2 meg pipe!! A one meg pipe will cost you ~100 yoyo's / mo ..

OH! And I'm moving over to the UK. Macclesfield, just south of Manchester.

Have fun!!!




Hey Christian.
Changed your bride? I preferred the old one (no offence Inger!)

Now colour really nice.
Keep going.
Big Hugs


You two are getting famous. How nice!

Hi Christian.

Congradulation!! you must happy now.

Hurry back! this country need you :)

Tjenare Chrille!

Hörde att du gift dig, grattis!

Det var ett tag sedan sist , jag har två flickor nu. När är det din tur?

Ha det bra, ville bara säga hej.

// Anneli Carlsson i Gårdveda, Målilla


Wish we can be in your reception tomorrow but even though we won't be, you two should still have a great fun!! Grattis!

Btw, photos of firework in yuenshuei are really cool!

Brenda & Fredrik

Just wanted to say hi!!!!!!